Time: 2025/1/22 (Tue) (Taiwan Time: 20:00-21:00)
Location: MetaCRM Twitter
Hosts: MetaCRM BD | SJ, MetaCRM BD | Enid
Guests: Cryfi Founder and CEO | Yura, Peanut Man Academy KOL | Ekko
Media Partner: NONE LAND
X (Formerly Twitter) Space Recording Replay
SJ: Hey everyone! I’m SJ from MetaCRM. We’re very excited to have Yura from CryFi and Ekko from Peanut Man Academy joining us. Tonight’s discussion will be co-hosted by myself and my fellow BD member Enid.
Let me briefly introduce MetaCRM – we provide a blockchain tailored customer data intelligence solution. So, what we always know is like blockchain is like a transparent data storage. But the thing is there is tons of data generated in blockchain. So as a normal person, it’s impossible for you to read it all, not even program owners. So the partners that work with us, they all encounter what seems like one problem, like which is how you capture and present the data that makes sense for people to actually take actions on it.
So this is quite related to our topic tonight: Trading, which I think it’s like our favorite topic in crypto, right? So we are going to dig deeper into signal trading and the relationship with the communities since CryFi is working on a telegram bot solution that verifies signal trading to the community. It’s quite cool. They are able to verify signal trading data on blockchain, making it transparent and trustable. I’m sure you will later give us a thorough intro. But before that, special thanks to Nonland for being the most playful media in Taiwan, and for being our exclusive media partners and hosting the AMA with us.
Noneland, could you briefly introduce yourselves?
None land: Of course! We’re None land, a Web3 media focused on the Chinese market. Besides articles, we also produce short videos for Instagram. If you’re interested, feel free to follow our account. Thank you again for inviting us to this event, we’re happy to support this Twitter Space. Over to you!
SJ: Thanks Noneland! I believe tonight’s content will reach more communities and audiences through you. Yura, please introduce yourself and CryFi.
Yura: Thank you guys for having us. I’m Yura, founder and CEO of Cryfi. Nice to meet you all. And essentially Cry is the marketplace where any trader or trading bot can monetize their skills by sharing signals through our app on Telegram or API. If it’s a bot or a strategy and end user can see the real, real performance of each of the signal providers, join the Telegram signal channel, connect Exchange API and execute all of the signals right from the Telegram. Our bot and Telegramminia app is live. It’s Cryfi bot. So yeah guys, check it out. It’s pretty easy to use. I hope so. And if you think otherwise, please write your feedback in our chat. We’ll be happy to answer.
SJ: I’m also very happy to have Ekko join us. He’s a crypto trading expert. Ekko, please introduce yourself.
Ekko: Hello everyone! Thank you for the invitation. It’s an honor to be here. Thank you all for inviting me. Let me introduce myself:
So for the past four years I. Have been a leader in crypto kol in our community and we know that on blockchain and different exchanges we have a lot of different products for our clients or maybe users to choose from. Right? But not every single guy or girl understands the function or maybe the risks behind it. So we are playing a role like a translator, maybe doing some experiments at first and then we find something that’s profitable, you know and maybe can help our clients to build long term investment plans and sort of stuff like that. So basically that’s what we do. And for the past four years we’ve been managing communities up to like 500 to 1,000 people here in Taiwan, which is not quite a lot but still it works. So I guess there if there’s anything you want to know about the community or maybe some different engagement to boost the trading volume or something. Yeah, we can have a short talk later, thanks.
Enid: Okay guys, so before our very first question, I want to mention that Cry is going to give five white list spot for our ma. So people do remember to join our LUMA event and submit your info after this MA and we will give out the white list through the raffles. Okay, thanks SJ for the opening and thank you Yura and thank you Echo and also thanks Noneland for supporting us. Now for our first question:
Yura: Basically, there aren’t many choices for getting trading signals or socializing. We have Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. Twitter is mainly for news, Discord is more complicated to use, while Telegram is very simple and feature-complete. Most projects and crypto players currently communicate and operate on Telegram. Its ecosystem, including wallets, OTC, and mini apps, simplifies the user experience. No registration is needed; you just launch the mini dapp to use applications. In this age of rapidly diminishing attention spans, Telegram integrates work, life, and trading in one place. Therefore, I recommend crypto users trade on Telegram, especially since it’s also highly used in traditional industries.
Ekko: This is a great topic, discussing Telegram and other applications, and what we in the professional field call “retention rate.” To attract more clients, we need to provide more convenient tools. Regarding Telegram, I must say it’s quite difficult to promote such applications in Taiwan because it’s not as intuitive as other tools. In the Taiwan market, people prefer using LINE, Discord, or Instagram, so most don’t have the habit of using Telegram, and new users might find it complicated at first. Therefore, we usually teach clients and students how to connect to different social media and platforms, including Telegram groups. Many media outlets, like Noneland and other media teams, still manage these information groups, which are very valuable. We sometimes forward content from these groups to help people gradually become familiar with using Telegram. Because in the cryptocurrency field, mastering Telegram is an essential skill. So, we often spend time explaining to users how to operate Telegram, helping them understand how to use this tool to increase trading volume. That’s basically our approach.
Yura: I want to expand on the previous topic. Indeed, it’s difficult to get people to migrate to other social media applications. I believe Telegram is one of the best messaging applications currently. Although it’s hard to get people to switch to other social media, I hope everyone can use the best tools, and Telegram is what I consider the best choice. This not only simplifies life for those earning profits through channel subscriptions but is also a great choice for us Telegram users.
Yura: First, we are a signal trading platform, which itself is different from most competitors’ or partners’ copy trading platforms. On copy-type trading platforms, users set their risk and budget, and basically wait for traders or strategies to trade automatically for them. On our platform, users can choose which signals they want to trade, decide the trading size for each signal, and then decide whether to execute the trade. We’ve automated this process, but users still maintain complete control over each signal’s execution.
Our main value proposition is that all signals are recorded on-chain, creating an immutable trading record for each signal provider. This means signal providers no longer need to use screenshots, Excel spreadsheets, or design analyses to present trades, as we automatically complete and verify these processes. This is bad news for those with ill intentions, as everything is shown on-chain and cannot be tampered with by anyone.
Furthermore, we are completely open, with no KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements. Anyone can become a signal provider while also being able to subscribe to paid or free signal channels. We’ve democratized the signal market, allowing everyone to become a signal provider. For mature signal providers, we offer a new user source and enhance their marketing strategy, as they can use our verification process to demonstrate credibility to users. For users, this is a more convenient way of signal trading, eliminating the need to manually copy signals in exchanges, as everything can be done directly within the Telegram application.
Enid: Exactly, I think this is an important point, and it leads to our next topic. We all know that signal functionality is very important for KOLs or communities who want to follow crypto trading experts and understand their trading skills and history. Here’s our next question:
Ekko: That’s a great question. I think Telegram has a fantastic feature that might be unique to Telegram – its various APIs that allow us to connect to different applications. For example, we have some students and clients who don’t have time to track crypto market fluctuations, so we can connect them to different bots and applications. These bots have different operating logics that can help them determine if it’s a good time to enter the market through tracking bot-generated signals. This is a feature I really like because it provides real-time market reactions.
Additionally, we can track different whale addresses, see how they trade and what coins they’re buying, and decide whether to follow them based on this information. I think this kind of functionality provides more options for those of us who aren’t crypto professionals, allowing us to explore different coins based on interest, do more research, and get different returns.
This has been a very useful feature we’ve been using for the past two to three years, and there are indeed some great tools. However, I also think that sometimes there are scam messages, and suspicious people might add you, so you need to filter this information. Therefore, I believe we need to promote security simultaneously in this process, especially in these chaotic times. That’s what I wanted to share mainly.
SJ: Ekko, could you elaborate more on:
Ekko: I think the problem we face now is that sometimes there’s too much information to process. For non-professional users, our job is to help them clarify which information is most useful to them. For me, I first understand what information I want to track, like Bitcoin or Ethereum trends, then look for teams providing signal functions that I can connect to. If such functionality exists, that’s great – we can try it out to see if it’s effective and profitable; if it’s not effective, we can delete it or leave the group.
Also, one thing I’m doing now is tracking different whale addresses. I’m not sure how they developed such tools, but it’s very useful. For instance, we’ve been tracking some whales, possibly businesses or global KOLs, whose addresses hold large assets and trade frequently. We can discover that these whales might be buying coins we don’t even know the names of, even though these coins just entered the market, this could become an option we provide to users. Maybe these coins are worth a small investment, like a small bet that’s both interesting and potentially profitable. But as I said, there are many scam messages in the market, and it’s difficult to filter truth from falsehood when there’s too much information. So, our responsibility is to test these signals first, confirm if they’re legitimate, and if not, we can report to the team or simply not use the tool.
For various businesses, I hope there can be some AI tools or bot information that users can easily understand and use. I think this will be the next trend for global users.
SJ: I know Ekko is one of CryFi’s potential target audiences as a trader, and CryFi hopes to guide them into the trading world. So let’s hear from Yura as well.
Here’s the completion of the translation:
Yura: Thank you, I’d like to add that CryFi provides exactly this kind of functionality. As a free market platform, you can have a channel to share all trading signals, news, and content – it’s your channel, and Cryiot is just an administrator. If you allow, we can help publish signals. You can also create multiple channels for different coins or markets and use your own branding, including avatar, channel name, and description, which will be displayed in the platform marketplace.
I hope this can meet KOL needs or share experiences from other signal providers, especially regarding content optimization. Because our goal is to help signal providers achieve their objectives, which is also one of our ways of generating profit.
SJ: Let’s return to the topic of signal trading. I’m curious, why did you choose signal trading as your theme?
Yura: First, our main target audience is people who want to learn how to trade or improve their trading methods. This is where the value of signal trading lies – it’s not just about trading itself, but also provides the logic and reasons behind the signals. You can explain through text descriptions, screenshots, TradingView charts, documents, or even other forms supported by Telegram (like videos, voice messages, etc.). These features make CryFi particularly helpful for this audience.
At the same time, we also welcome those who simply want to make money, as signal trading can directly achieve this goal. However, we place more emphasis on signal providers who offer analysis and detailed descriptions, and prioritize supporting these people. Additionally, we hope to attract users who want to use our platform to improve their trading abilities, as we believe these users can get the most value from our platform.
SJ: I notice there are already many signal providers operating on CryFi.
Yura: Currently, we have quite diverse types of signal providers on our platform, including professional traders and some automated strategy signal providers. As for signal content, each provider has their unique style and focus – you can check the types of signals they share in our marketplace. Some focus on BTC and Ethereum, while others share signals for coins like Floki or other random meme coins, so it all depends on the signal provider’s personal choice.
In terms of markets, our near-term goal is to expand to more centralized exchanges, allowing users to share and execute signals on other exchanges. Next, we’ll expand to decentralized exchanges (DEX), such as Solana – currently the hottest meme coin blockchain – and other related markets.
Looking at the bigger development plan, in the second phase, we’ll introduce traditional financial markets, including stocks, commodities, and forex trading. The third phase will cover sports betting and various prediction markets, such as PolyMarket. Because whether it’s the crypto market or other markets, the core issues are the same: we need to identify whether signal providers are trustworthy and meet the needs of users who want to participate but lack knowledge.
For us, the main change is simply the expansion of market scope and how to execute on different platforms. This is our global expansion plan for CryFi.
SJ: I really think your service is very suitable for crypto newcomers, as signal trading might be their best option, especially since you verify the signals. Currently, there are many messages about KOLs or influencers who induce their communities to trade for profit, but they might not have actually traded those coins themselves. So, I think your team provides significant help to these beginners, which is very meaningful. Next, I want to ask:
Yura: As I mentioned earlier, anyone can become a signal provider, and by “anyone,” I mean any entity with internet and Telegram access. If you’re human, you can use our program to share signals; if you’re an AI algorithmic trading bot, or other systems with internet and our API access, even aliens (laughs), as long as you meet the conditions, you can share signals.
Currently, we already have one AI signal provider. They’re preparing their system for us, though it hasn’t officially launched yet, but more AI will participate in the future. Meanwhile, we also plan to use AI to analyze all signals, including historical data and future signals, to enhance system security levels. These analyses will be based on market trends and predictions, helping users see the complete market picture. However, this functionality will be launched in a later phase.
SJ: Thanks for sharing! Ekko, any final thoughts to add?
Ekko: Regarding AI, I think this is still quite a complex and immature field, not yet sufficient to rely on completely. However, if you’re new to cryptocurrency, you might be able to use AI to help answer some simple questions. But when it comes to trading, I would suggest it’s best to seek advice from professionals as consultants, so you have more security before investing real money. This is the safest way to stay in the crypto market.
That’s about it. Happy trading! Let’s welcome 2025 together!
SJ: I believe that at this stage, combining professional traders like Ekko with verification tools like CryFi is more meaningful for trading newcomers, helping them start cryptocurrency trading. Thank you CryFi for working to make the crypto trading world better. If trust can be established, more people will be willing to participate in cryptocurrency trading. Especially with recent market phenomena, like the Trump and Meme coins craze, people are trading almost every minute, which is rare in traditional markets. Therefore, I strongly believe that signal trading verification tools will show their value in improving efficient and trustworthy communication with communities.
CryFi is a platform aimed at providing blockchain-certified trading services, integrating signal aggregation, trading automation, and market functionality. Users can easily follow professional traders’ signals or monetize their own trading skills. The platform aims to provide opportunities for beginners to learn and earn while ensuring trading signals are recorded on-chain and verified, guaranteeing security and reliability.
CryFi Website: https://cryfi.app/